Our Team.
As a team of volunteer firefighters devoted to our community, we are ready to go with our gear and engines, whenever called. Our primary mission is to provide emergency and fire protection services within our specified geographic area, covering Stevens Canyon and Montebello Ridge.
Because we live in the same area we serve, we have always been and continue to be a trained and certified, legal fire department. Our mission has not changed, but it has become more urgent as our membership numbers have dwindled.
Orion Larson - Fire Chief
John Schafer - Chief Emeritus
Ken Flax - Firefighter / Engineer
Pete Christensen - Firefighter / EMT / Training Officer
Gabrial Chan - Firefighter
Aaron Simonson - Firefighter
Mike Sullivan - Firefighter
Matt Brubaker - Firefighter
Max Sawyer - Probationary Firefighter
Alex Sanchez - Probationary Firefighter
SCVFD Auxiliary.
As a department, we have dedicated support from some very special residents who consistently give their time and resources to SCVFD. We thank each and every one of these members for their ongoing contributions.
Donna Larson
Lynn Farris
Mike Lyon
Board of Directors.
Below is a list of our active Board Members:
President: Orion Larson
Secretary/Treasurer: Matt Brubaker
Director: Ken Flax
Director: Pete Christensen
Outside Director: Mike Partridge